Little genius school development. Pervouralsk, Russia

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Educational center "little genius since 2004, working on the development of children. aged 1 year 3 months to 7 years. With children up to two and a half years of classes according to the method of Nikolai Zaitsev, with elements of logarithmic Ekaterina Zheleznova (involving different movements to the music). While playing, children learn reading, counting, learn colors and shapes (and not only the traditional triangles, squares and circles, but octagonal, hexagramme and other), develop phonemic hearing. All new information is remembered easily, because training is on an unconscious level. Classes are based on fizioterapiya principles: not sitting at the table, and lying or sitting on the floor. Classes are held in groups of no more than five people. Despite the fact that the task be taught to read by teachers of the center is not intended, however, to three years toddlers begin to read. The guys from two and a half to four years also engaged in according to method N. Zaytsev, but without logarithmic. Guys older than four years are prepared for school according to the method of Nikolai Zaitsev and Lyudmila Peterson. During the year teachers can fully prepare a child for school. After school in educational center "Little genius" your child will be much easier to get used to the new school environment. Kids from one year and three months in the center of "Little genius" may start to" study" English. In the classroom the teacher speaks only in English. To translate said makes no sense, because the crumbs absorb a foreign language simultaneously with their mother. The teacher explains everything you need to know the child of specific age: colors, geometric shapes. As well as school-age children ( 1st - 11th grade) can work individually with Tutors in the Russian language, mathematics and English, preparation for EGE and GIA. The centre holds individual sessions with a speech therapist, and counseling. Our address: Stroiteley 3 A (separate entrance) phone: 8-922-29-40-378, 29-11-46.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Pervouralsk city

623101, str. Stroiteley, 3a

tel. +7 (922) 294-03-78
tel. 29-11-46

Actual on 01.01.2018