Bezposredni 26. Pyatigorsk, Russia

Views: 22

Tell the dents on the bodywork of Your car THERE!!!
Grad, Parking dents, minor accidents, etc. being removed without damage to the paint of a car.
- Including the possible repair of dents without painting and on the bumpers.
All work carried out by modern equipment. The advantages of this method over traditional painting for You:
- the cost of repair is much lower
time required less
- the car goes into the category repainted and the sale, respectively, does not lose in price!
If the number is unavailable call back a little later or write SMS and we will call You back.
View examples of our work on instagram @bezpokraski_26
Bonus - polishing of the repaired places!!!


Stavropol Krai
Pyatigorsk city

str. Lermontovskiy razezd, 1, st. 1

tel. +7 (928) 008-49-19

Actual on 01.01.2018