We work throughout Russia, airports, railway stations and bus stations! HSE, forms of the strict reporting, transfers, at any time, in any direction!
The trip from 80 RUB.
Taxi service in any direction from the town of Rossosh!
Taxi VESTA highway in the Voronezh,Belgorod,Moscow, Rostov-on-don, Krasnodar,Sochi,Crimea on a new car Lada Vesta. Meeting at the airport, railway station, bus station.
a trip to the city from 70 rubles
Taxi-777-VIP-HSE(free waiting time at the drop-off point),Voronezh,Belgorod,Moscow,St. Petersburg,Krasnodar,Sochi,Abkhazia,Crimea on the new Mercedes E-200-AMG.Up to 8 seats.The climate control system.Meeting at the airport,railway station,bus station,meeting,accompaniment,weddings,any celebrations,walks,events,trips,service "sober driver",gruzotaksi,courier delivery,delivery of fuel,private transport,corporate taxis,taxi day,flower delivery,student taxi,trips to the relics of the Holy Blessed Matronushka.trip to Murom(the relics of Peter and Fevronia, the custodians of the family).travel to the ancient temples of Abkhazia(year-round).Bla bla car
Taxi service in any direction from the town of Rossosh
Taxi to Rossosh ‘No. 1 For" BUSINESS PEOPLE"working towards long-distance and in Rossosh since 2005 . During this period of time the price of the travel by train or air has increased and so now much cheaper to go by taxi than the train , besides saving time!
Taxi intercity from our company -it‘s comfort and reliability. It is no secret that speak about the positive side, Taxi Rossosh No. 1 For" BUSINESS PEOPLE"because believe us!
Not just trust, but most importantly trust their lives during their journey from point A to point B.
Voronezh oblast
Beavers, Boguchar, Borisoglebsk, Buturlinovka, Voronezh, Kalach, Liski, Novovoronezh, Novokhopersk, Ostrogozhsk, Pavlovsk, Povorino, Rossosh, Semiluki, Ertil.