Nursery Sharmila (Sharmila) is engaged in professional cultivation of cats in the home.
You can acquire cat breed: Scottish fold/Scottish straight Shorthair(Scottish fold/straight) or semi-longhair variation(highland fold/straight) and curly breed-Selkirk Rex.
Our kittens are vaccinated, well-behaved, well-groomed and healthy, happy and affectionate.
You can get a kitten and get professional advice.
British Shorthair cattery Altangera
We are professionally engaged in breeding of elite British cats. The nursery has a WCF certificate . The parents of our kittens are titled, bloodline: Germany - Hungary - the Netherlands - Belgium .
In our kennel spared the British lines:
bone, plush coat, good profile, round orange and emerald green eyes, powerful legs – it is a beautiful graceful animals. Kittens are potty trained and house-toilet,eating and kittens,vaccinated by age, have certificate of origin or ancestry four knee.