The "Moving 161" renders services of rent of special equipment. On the territory of Rostov and the Rostov region you can order the service : crane rental, excavator rental, crane-manipulators, rental of truck, etc. moreover, we professionally provide services for rigging.
Horizontal directional drilling, punctures under roads and other obstacles. Trenchless construction of external engineering networks of water supply and sanitation. Device protective cases. SRO. VAT. Documentation.
Design of industrial, public and residential buildings of any complexity! Design of power supply systems of objects of the customer. Professional expertise of project documentation and engineering survey!
The company Prometal performs a wide range of construction works in Rostov-on-don: anticorrosion treatment, painting and sandblasting of metal structures, roofing works using industrial rope access, aerial platforms for rent in Rostov.
Design Studio ”DECISION” – new life to Your interior. Our designers are happy to help in creating the interior of Your home or apartment. Work from sketching to the selection of furniture and accessories.
1. The development of the concept design of the project,
2. Working drawings
3. Author‘s supervision at the stage of construction and repair work
4. The complete set of object (selection of interior items, textiles)
The construction of frameless hangars and warehouses – the main activity of the Company. You can buy frameless arched hangar of the company "the Rostov Factory Sheds" and also to order additional services, flooring, installation of ventilation, installation of heating and insulation of the hangar. Also "Rostov Plant Hangars" carries out designing of hangars, prefabricated buildings, granaries and vegetable stores.
The main consumers of our production are the farmers, construction companies, engineering, housing and communal services, retail and manufacturing sector and small businesses. The staff are the best specialists in their fields. During the work the company has acquired permanent partners and performed a large number of objects.
"Rostov Factory Hangars" strictly follows modern canons of business ethics and its corporate philosophy. This involves professionalism and competence, full of commitments, honesty and integrity.
Drafting and expertise of construction cost estimates of any complexity in Rostov-on-don. Estimated examination — determining the correct territorial rates, lowering and raising factors to estimate etc.