NOU flower, private kindergarten. Ryazan, Russia

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Kindergarten "Semitsvetik" is
warm home atmosphere;
attentive teachers and educators;
preschool education and upbringing;
socialization of child‘s personality;
education in the context of Russian culture and morality;
home for children, where they take you to interesting and important events;
adults who are interested to live with children and to grow together.

The preschool center has two areas of work:
Kindergarten half-day (groups a temporary stay with a range of developmental classes for children from 2 years old from 8 am to 13.30),
Group of kindergarten full day (2 groups: Junior group for children aged 2 years and older group for children from 3.5 years to school).
Main tasks at the preschool level, the following:
Adaptation in the children‘s team;
Comprehensive development of the child;
Education in the context of Russian culture;
The preparation for learning in school (motivation + knowledge + independence).
Basic principles:
Individual differentiated approach to the child;
Training and development in terms of psychological comfort;
Disclosure of the child‘s abilities;
The continuity of culture.
In kindergarten we accept children from 2 years.

Working time kindergarten is from 8.00-19.00.

Arranged healthy meals. Breakfast, lunch and compacted snack prepared in the kitchen of the kindergarten taking into account the recommendations of the Institute of nutrition.


Ryazan Oblast
Ryazan city

str. Kremlevskiy Val, 17

tel. +7 (953) 737-01-30
Actual on 01.01.2018