Special childhood, children‘s center. Ryazan, Russia

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Speech therapist:
Individual speech therapy sessions for children from 2 to 13 years. Duration of 1 lesson of 40 minutes.
- correction of sound pronunciation,
-working with "non-verbal" children with 2 years
- correction of the MSA (General underdevelopment of speech),
- correction of dyslexia and dysgraphia (impaired reading and writing),
Correction SRR (delayed speech development),
speech therapy massage.

The speech pathologist:
Correctional and developmental activities for children with special needs
-Mental retardation (mental retardation),
- ADHD (attention deficit, hyperactivity),
- mental retardation,
- down syndrome.
For each child there is a program depending on the individual features of the development.

Counseling for children and adults.
-correction of aggressive behavior
correction of anxiety, fears,
- the development of attention and perseverance.

Educational classes for children from 1.5 to 5 years.
Classes are held in the group. The size of the group to 5 chelovek.
- Development of social and communication skills;
-The development of large and fine motor skills;
-Aesthetic and artistic development (drawing, modeling. Applique).
-Musical development,
- Familiarity with works of literature, fairy tales,
- The development of ideas about the world.

Preparation for school.

The children‘s center "Special child" as a mini - kindergarten for children aged 1.5 to 3 years, from 9.00 to 13.00. In the garden hosts educational classes and a speech therapist-defectologist. Children have a snack (fruit, yogurt, juice, biscuits).
All our specialists have higher education and special defectological higher education. As well as the important experience of our specialists.


Ryazan Oblast
Ryazan city

390044, str. Radishcheva, 69

tel. +7 (4912) 99-48-10
tel. +7 (953) 735-84-24

Actual on 01.01.2018