To order a feasibility study, business plan in Ryazan 8-903-323-04-41 for obtaining state support for any software (for subsidizing of expenses on the loan, the business plan for the reimbursement in Ryazan part of the costs for purchased equipment, a business project for grant of resident status of business incubator grant for beginning farmers, to obtain land, etc.).
Development of the business plan of the investment project for credit in banks of Ryazan, to investors, to owners for leasing.
Preparation of business plan, feasibility study according to the standards of the Ministry of agriculture of the Ryazan region, the Ministry of economic development.
The preparation of business plans for businesses in Ryazan according to international standards for obtaining credit in foreign banks.
When working with clients on business plans, we do not use ready-made and standard designs, each business plan is individually developed.
Any business: the business plan opening in Ryazan industrial enterprises, business project agriculture, services, construction, processing.
Business planning in the town of Skopin, Sasovo, Ryazhsk, Ryazan, Kasimov, Spassk-Ryazan, Novomichurinsk, fish, Korablino, Mikhailov, Shatsk, spas-Klepiki.
“WinWin consult” is a consulting Agency professional consultants with significant experience training and many years of successful experience in real business.
“WinWin consult” for business is:
Corporate trainings and seminars on various topics: Leadership, personnel Management, Recruitment, time management, Personal effectiveness, customer Loyalty and staff the Sale.
Consultations on issues of formation and development of the business. Advice can be obtained from managers and professionals in related areas such as Direct marketing, Accounting, and taxation laws.
Search, selection and assessment of personnel for Executive positions in firms and in sales. Using the technology of the assessment center we will be able to quickly select the candidate with the required competencies.
Personnel evaluation and psychological testing, which will identify business and personal qualities, competencies, affect the performance of employees.
The formation of departments of "turnkey". Find out on the market customer-focused employees and effective sales executives, adapt them to suit Your business, if necessary, teach/train.
Consultation, methodology and support in the development of a strategy and financial model of the company. Using the balanced scorecard (BSC) and adding her own expertise in financial modeling helps the companies to formulate the Objectives, to develop scenarios of the achievements and to outline the KPI.