The destruction of insects (bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, moth, etc.) with a cold fog Generator.
Prices for handling residential premises
The room price (R.)
1 com. apartment 800
2 com. the apartment is 1200
3 com. the apartment is 1600
4 com. apartment 2000
Dorm room 800
Rates for legal entities (offices, businesses, non-residential premises):
Area (sqm) Price (R.)
To 50 sq. m 1400
50-100 sq m 2300
100-300 sq m 20 sq m
300 - 500 sq. m 15 sq m
500-1000 sq. m 10 rubles./sqm
1000-2500 sq m 5 sq m
More than 2,500 sq. m.
Transportation costs 300 RUB per trip
Re-treatment free of charge except for transportation costs
Tel 8(930)886-15-78