Registration and liquidation of companies. Ryazan, Russia

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Legal company "SKD" welcome to my official website! We offer legal and to physical persons a wide range of services in the area of corporate law, including:

 registration of legal entities (LLC, CJSC, JSC, and nonprofit organizations) in Ryazan and Ryazan region;

 a sole proprietorship in Ryazan and the Ryazan region;

 liquidation of companies in Ryazan and Ryazan region;

 reorganization of legal entities (merger, accession, separation, division, transformation) in Ryazan and Ryazan region;

 the changes in the constituent documents of the legal entity in Ryazan and Ryazan region;

 changes in incorporation in Ryazan and Ryazan region;

 preparation of extracts from EGRUL and egrip in Ryazan and Ryazan region;

 sale of ready firms in Ryazan and Ryazan region;

 legal services in Ryazan and Ryazan region;

 accounting services in Ryazan and Ryazan region.

Call us and get the advice of a lawyer on the phone.

Phone: 8 920 635 18 15

Utenkova Anna E.



Ryazan Oblast
Ryazan city

Kuybyshevskoe shosse, 25

tel. 8 (920) 635-18-15

Actual on 01.01.2018