OOO "Cadastral Bureau" will perform cadastral work, including technical inventory (measuring work and production of technical plans to implement the cadastral registration) in respect of any real estate with the utmost accuracy and prepare relevant documentation in the shortest possible time. "Cadastral Office" is a team of professionals who know their business, with extensive experience and an impeccable reputation, ready to perform work of any complexity.
LLC "Bleikr" serves customers in all areas of St. Petersburg and most of the neighboring districts of the Leningrad region.
All cadastral engineers have qualification certificate, and are active members of the Association SRO "Cadastral engineers". At our disposal modern equipment and software enable it to perform work with maximum efficiency and on time.
The Association of cadastral engineers in order to provide conditions for the professional activities of members of the Association, establishing mandatory for the Association members of the rules of their implementation of cadastral activities, rules of conduct for this activity, the rules of business and professional ethics members of the Association, and to exercise control over the observance of these rules, qualification of the Association members.