A private primary school (1st to 4th grade)
The number of students in class is 15 people
With four times the quality of the food
Additional classes in art, music, physical education, English
Project activities
Trips to museums, mini-tours, a private theater and independently organised holidays
Discounts for regular customers
Spacious modern building near the metro station "Chkalovskaya"
Modern security system in the building and around the video surveillance, security guards receive appropriate training. Every visitor to the building must pass through security
Students receive 3 teacher: primary school teacher, teacher of the second half of the day, the teacher on project activities. Project research activity is an important part of the learning process in which students are deeply immersed in the area or task for which you want a wider field of knowledge, the attraction of additional sources, establishing interdisciplinary connections.
In addition to educational activities for schoolchildren will be organized trips to museums, mini-tours, a private theater and independently organised holidays.
In the afternoon children can attend educational studios.