And you understand the intricacies of environmental regulation? If You are not constantly working in this area, the answer will be negative. Obtaining Permits - the problem with a lot of "gotchas", to put this issue on the shoulders of highly specialized professionals, LLC "Leechprotect". Track all the changes in the legislation and requirements of state agencies - a key factor in obtaining the desired result.
Environmental company ALEM provides comprehensive environmental services enterprise and organizations of various sectors of the economy.
The main principles of our work are quality, professional approach, reasonable prices and timely execution of obligations to customers and business partners.
In the composition of the company‘s own accredited testing laboratory and the design Department.
Experience more than 10 years. Activity of the company "ALEM" the positive feedback from our customers and partners, as well as awards in the professional sphere.
OOO "Vitruvius" – your reliable assistant in the solution of environmental issues.
The main mission and specialization of our company is quality and timely services in the field of environmental legislation of the Russian Federation. Our clients – legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, faced with the necessity of development and approval of environmental reports and design documentation, make payments for negative impact on the environment, receiving orders, licenses and other permits. We are faithful and reliable assistant in solving a wide range of issues environmental focus.