The Foundation implements a charitable project for the procurement and supply in need of vital drugs for children with cancer. The project supports anticancer, immunotherapeutic and protivogribkovye drugs.
Consumer society "Consumer System – oil" is a Russian public Association, which offers discounts from 3% to 12% for purchases of goods and services in constant demand in the usual stores and housing, fuel and transport costs for travel in the subway. Bonus "loyalty Program" allows you to get rewarded for increasing the number of participants in the consumer society.
Consumer society "PSO" registered in St.-Petersburg on may 12, 2015 on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation from 19.06.1992 N 3085-1 (as amended on 02.07.2013) "On consumer cooperation (consumer societies, their unions) in the Russian Federation". Official representation of companies is located at the address: Saint-Petersburg, Bolshaya Moskovskaya, d. 11, office 77. Tel 710-88-58. Working time of the office from 12-00 to 20-00 on weekdays.
FOR offers shareholders different "Consumer programme" and additional opportunities for formal employment and personal growth within the framework of the concept of humanitarian development of society.
SINGLE WINDOW access to obtain high-quality esoteric services in SPb, LO, NWFD of the Russian Federation: an ADVISORY SERVICE.
1) Identify the best specialists
diagnostician: psychics, dowsing operators, clairvoyants, tarology, runology, astrologers, chirology;
- rulers: the white mages;
- rounders (diagnost-MAG): parapsychologists, healers (biological energy therapeutist), our energy massage;
and publish their registries, develop and implement standards for esoteric services. 2) our customers the best technology for understanding themselves and their families, its places, life mission, improve the quality and quantity of life. 3) Write and publish review articles and excerpts from the best books.