Gridlab specializiruetsya on the sale of plants and planting material from the best nurseries of Europe and Russia. We have many years of studying plants and observe them as they manifest themselves in our climate, we‘re excited to see how they overwinter, grow and develop in the gardens of our clients, making certain findings and deliver You only proven, healthy, ideal for plants for the Northwest region and the Leningrad region, so the plants purchased from us will long to please You in Your garden or plot.
Every year we learn Your wishes and proposals on the range and try to meet them. In his nursery garden plants we offer products for both Amateur gardeners and professionals. If You do not find the plants You need, You can leave him ordering and our specialists will contact You and discuss the possibility of delivery for You.
Qualified and tested planting material - the key to a great garden!
Our nursery specializiruetsya on breeding and cultivation of conifers: Blue spruce, Cedars, Fir, Pine, Larch and Spruce
The basis of technologies of cultivation and economic activity in our kennel "Faun" is taken work Osinskogo Ivan Evgenevich.
All plants in our nursery are grown from seeds or nuts and naturally adapted to the climate of North-West Russia. We are not engaged in growing and selling seedlings from warmer regions. The purpose of our work quality planting material and high survival rate, and not race for the low price and large splits at the expense of quality. The survival rate of our plants and their aesthetic appearance after Russian frosts several times higher!