Hideandseek, LTD. Saint Petersburg, Russia

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Hello, we Hideandseek. Introducing the new project of HIDE and seek IN the DARK No. 1.
Who of us in childhood was not afraid of the dark? It seemed to us that live in it are mysterious creatures who is capable of anything... How to explain to children that it is not so dark as her ........? The answer is simple: give them a fun “Hide-and-seek in the dark No. 1”! Only there the children learn that the inhabitants of dark city are not only terrible, but can be kind and nice. Depending on the selected scenario, our being will be satisfied with either a fun game or a little scary, or combined for the full range of emotions. After the game the party continues in the lounge where you can enjoy an animator, photographer, magician and a lot of other people. To make a real festive table with treats. Give children an unforgettable birthday party in “Hide and seek in the dark No. 1”.


Saint Petersburg City
Saint Petersburg city

Tallinskaya str., 10

tel. +7 (812) 409-95-08

Actual on 01.01.2018