VSK insurance House. Saransk, Russia

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VSK insurance House (VSK) carries out insurance business since 11 February 1992 currently ranked in the top five leaders of the Russian insurance market.

VSK is the largest nationwide universal insurance company sells more than 100 types of modern insurance services, provides insurance protection to more than 130,000 enterprises and organizations, over 10 Federal ministries and agencies, $ 5 million of Russian citizens.

VSK has the most branched out regional network among Russian insurance companies operating under a single legal entity, more than 800 branches and offices in main administrative and industrial centers of our country. The large number of missions gives the VSC the opportunity to provide modern insurance services and to make payments to its clients throughout Russia, regardless of the place of conclusion of the insurance contract.

1700 million rubles of authorized capital, formed insurance reserves, established system of reinsurance risk in the largest global reinsurance companies the balance of the insurance portfolio and ensure reliable operations FAC.

In 2001, the rating Agency "Expert RA", the Company was awarded the highest national rating of reliability And++ "Exclusively high level of reliability", which is annually confirmed

For the big contribution to development of insurance and social protection of servicemen by the President of the Russian Federation Putin V. V. VSK team appreciation certificates in 2002 and 2007

Welcome to our Insurance House!


Mordovia Republic
Saransk city

430005, str. Botevgradskaya, 29/1

tel. (8342) 47-22-55
tel. 47-05-36
tel. 47-36-85

Actual on 01.01.2018