Dream rehabilitation center treatment for drug addiction and alcoholism. Saransk, Russia

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"Undoubtedly, the presence of the family of a person suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism is a problem not only himself, but of the whole family. Therefore, the treatment of these types of addiction should be approached with seriousness and responsibility, including at the stage of choosing the clinic. Medical center "Dream" in Saransk is one of the best medical organizations that assisted people in combating various types of dependencies. Successful practice work of the clinic is marked by numerous positive reviews from patients and their relatives.
For treatment you must first make an appointment to see the doctor-the psychiatrist (or call a specialist at home), and then pass an examination. All the stages of treatment and rehabilitation is completely anonymous and confidential.


Mordovia Republic
Saransk city

430004, str. Respublikanskaya, 34

tel. +7 (800) 700-48-54

Actual on 01.01.2018