Kindergarten "baby rabbits". Saratov, Russia

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Day centre activities and early development of children of preschool age "baby rabbits" in the city of Saratov, on the street Severskoy, D. 6A successfully working and developing since 2011. In August 2014, we created two additional nursery (30 beds) short stay children with care, developmental activities, five meals, sleeping and walking (duration of stay of children – 11.5 hours). You can, of course, in the same area to increase the number of children in groups of up to 40 people (20 children each). According to the standards we go through. But, in our opinion, a further room used for nursery, does not allow increasing child seats without the loss of quality of service with the same staff. In these circumstances, it is necessary to increase staff by at least two teachers and, as a consequence, the increase in cost of services on the background of a General deterioration of their quality.
On the contrary, we create additional space in the short-stay groups of children from one to 4.5 hours in our children‘s center without the dream organization, with the organization power or without (depending on time of stay). According to the preliminary results for the year 2016 we have created 11 additional children‘s places without damages to two nursery groups full day (11.5 hours) stay.
I would like to mention that currently, many children have delays in speech development. When working according to the method N.. Zaitseva logopedic problems are corrected in the course of child development. For more serious problems in this direction was found and, at the end of April 2015, invited by the teacher-the logopedist having good recommendations, receiving fast and high quality results. In addition, we, in the period of 2015 to August of 2016 was brought an additional three employees with higher education, good reputation and positive experience in the specialty.

#Desiredframerate #Getsystemresources #Destinationatop #Desiredresult #Aliartos #Detiorates #Saratov #Anniversary #KidsSaratov Children‘s center “baby rabbits” is equipped with a video surveillance system online, through which parents can watch your kids in real time.


Saratov Oblast
Saratov city

410018, str. Shevyrevskaya, 6A

tel. (927) 277-81-28
Actual on 01.01.2018