Veterinary clinics of Shchelkovo

Veterinary clinics :

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Urban Veterinary Service Veterinarian
Shchelkovo, Proletarskiy ave., 9

tel. 8 (495) 507-81-38

Veterinary clinic "Aibolit" in Schelkovo

Almost every modern family has Pets. And they, as members of the family, too, sometimes need help. In every city there are many specialized clinics that are ready to provide a full range of veterinary services for Pets. It‘s important not to make a mistake in choosing veterinary clinics for your pet.
Veterinary clinic in Schelkovo is an effective and, most importantly, timely assistance pet. Our highly qualified specialists are ready around the clock to save your four-legged, floating or flying Pets. Especially in emergency situations where minutes count, we can go home or give you zootaxi. You don‘t have to spend valuable time on registration, the queue or transport of a sick animal.
In our clinic, which is located in Shchelkovo in Moscow region, you may receive the following services:
advice on any questions;
preventive procedures;
laboratory tests.
What makes our veterinary clinic from others?
A wide range of services.
Pets can be accepted as right "live" stage, and by appointment.
We use only drugs of high quality.
Treat diseases of any complexity.
We have a hospital for your Pets.
You can call a specialist at home or order zootaxi.
Our experts constantly raise their skill level and participate in the veterinary seminars.
We work with the most modern equipment using the latest treatment methods.
Our experts will help you with any problem: sterilization, vaccination, treatment or prevention of diseases in animals, advise on aspects of good nutrition and other important issues.
Noticed that your pet has problems with digestion? Do not ignore it! It is better to contact the veterinary clinic "Aibolit". Choosing the right diet can solve all the problems of your four-legged friend.
Animals deprived of the opportunity to tell the owner about its condition, so if you notice the slightest change in the behavior of the pet, do not delay your visit to the vet indefinitely. Our specialists will cope with any problem in record time.
Veterinary clinic in Schelkovo equipped with the most modern equipment. Therefore, we can conduct laboratory tests and to notice the disease at an early stage, appoint necessary treatment or conduct surgery. We are able to assist your pet so that he can get back to normal conditions and standard of living.
Our experts carry out their work in accordance with all existing standards and norms, therefore you can safely entrust us with your pet. The applied methods of treatment have been tested over the years and were approved in veterinary clinics around the world.
In addition to the treatment in our clinic you can buy everything you need to improve the life of your pet. The clinic has a veterinary pharmacy and pet shop. We can buy not only drugs in accordance with the written prescription, but to buy food of high quality from leading manufacturers, all sorts of supplements, and toys for your pet, carry or litter, and much more.
In our clinic we help to obtain not only cats and dogs, but also birds and any exotic animals.
Turning to us, you save the health of your pet and we will do our best to provide the most highly skilled help!

Actual on 01.01.2018
Paws Tail
Shchelkovo, 141100, Proletarskiy ave., 7

tel. +7 (925) 592-96-41

Veterinary clinic treats cats and dogs. Our main goal is the fair and proper treatment of our brothers smaller. We love and cherish our smaller friends. We work honestly for our patients, clients and their conscience. Tell the customer what actually is.
Veterinary clinic in Schelkovo provides the following services: surgery, dermatology, Oncology, castration, sterilization, caesarean, obstetrics, treatment of urolithiasis, euthanasia and cremation. And we also work in the largest laboratory Moscow and analyses prepared during the day, some longer, but if you want srochno , for a couple of hours the tests are done.
Often dogs are sick of piroplasmosis, that no medicine 100% does not help. So if you noticed something strange in the behavior and health of the pet, immediately contact. The doctor visits the house and provides a full treatment of piroplasmosis. Call us at any time. Always willing to help.

Actual on 01.01.2018
Healthy world
Shchelkovo, 141103, Proletarskiy ave., 7A

tel. +7 (929) 954-14-10

Welcome to the page of the veterinary clinic "a Healthy world". Veterinary cynic specializiruetsya on the treatment of dogs , cats and ferrets. Our doctors love their work and are ready to fight for the life of the animal. Our experts are highly qualified , experience of 6 years . We are ready to help your pet in round the clock. If you don‘t want to wait in line at the clinic , you have a problem with the transportation of the animal, the animal is in critical condition and transportation to the clinic may worsen the health of the pet , you can call the doctor at home.
Services clinics Healthy world:
-call veterinarian at the house
-inspection, consultation, therapy
-first aid
castration , sterilization
-osteosintez , gypsum , splints
-obstetrics , caesarean section
-surgery of any complexity
-laboratory tests
-euthanasia and cremation of animal

Actual on 01.01.2018
Shchelkovo, mikrorayon Bogorodskiy, 1, pomeshchenie

tel. +7 (495) 369-05-27
Actual on 01.01.2018
Shchelkovo, str. 2 Pyatiletka, 10

tel. 8 (903) 55-98-006

Veterinary centre was created thanks to the dream of a few people to build a world-class hospital for their own Pets. We wanted at our disposal was still the best that can offer modern medicine for animals.
Each of us knows firsthand what it‘s like to race with family being on hand for assistance. When the account goes for minutes and seconds, and ultrasound by appointment only, tests at an independent lab, and x-rays are not informative... so when creating our center we considered its own, sometimes, unfortunately, the bitter experience of the treatment of animals, gained over many years.
In drafting our center, we focused on the high sanitary requirements of a modern medical facility. We have almost completely changed the interior finish of the building so that it meets all the requirements, however, we have tried to provide comfort to You and our patients.
In our center, there is a new high quality equipment that is used in human medical centers, and the need for the timely provision of qualified medical assistance in one place and at the right time.
We attract talented, knowledgeable and energetic professionals who are able and willing to assist in the most difficult situations.
We consider the main task of the treatment of animals, based on the principles of humane veterinary care, professionalism, love for animals, and, at the same time, reasonable pricing.
Summing up – we aim to raise the standard of the Russian veterinary practice to a new, higher level.
We are proud that we are able to make our dream a reality and invite You to evaluate our efforts, entrusting us with the care of the health of their Pets.

Actual on 01.01.2018



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