Municipal budgetary institution "Architecture and urban planning" of urban settlements in Sergiyev Posad (MBU "Architecture and urban planning") was founded in 2013.
The founder of the organization is the Administration of the city settlement Sergiev Posad.
The principal activities of MBU "Architecture and urbanism" are:
the performance of land surveying and cadastral works;
preparing layouts of land plots on the cadastral plan of the territory;
implementation of engineering surveys for construction;
preparation of initial permit documentation;
development of project planning and project surveying the territory, town-planning plans of land plots;
development of projects of rules of land use and development;
organization and holding of public hearings;
implementation of schemes of planning organization of land plot;
preparation of the plan with the boundaries of land use and zones with special conditions of use of the territory;
the development of case plans;
performing pre-project and preliminary designs;
project development redevelopment of residential and non-residential buildings, structures and facilities;
preparation of design and budget documentation of objects of capital construction;
author‘s supervision over construction of objects of capital construction;
passports, finishes and color solutions facades;
development of design projects of means of outdoor advertising and information;
design Blanca technical passport installation and operation of outdoor advertising signs and information;
the functions of the technical customer (registration of land plots, change of the permitted use of land plots, obtaining of technical conditions for connection of the designed object to networks engineering-technical maintenance, obtaining permits for construction and commissioning of capital construction objects in operation, registration, maintenance of documents);
printing services;
other application tasks.
Municipal budgetary institution "Architecture and urban planning" of urban settlements in Sergiyev Posad (MBU "Architecture and urban planning") was founded in 2013.
The founder of the organization is the Administration of the city settlement Sergiev Posad.
The principal activities of MBU "Architecture and urbanism" are:
the performance of land surveying and cadastral works;
preparing layouts of land plots on the cadastral plan of the territory;
implementation of engineering surveys for construction;
preparation of initial permit documentation;
development of project planning and project surveying the territory, town-planning plans of land plots;
development of projects of rules of land use and development;
organization and holding of public hearings;
implementation of schemes of planning organization of land plot;
preparation of the plan with the boundaries of land use and zones with special conditions of use of the territory;
the development of case plans;
performing pre-project and preliminary designs;
project development redevelopment of residential and non-residential buildings, structures and facilities;
preparation of design and budget documentation of objects of capital construction;
author‘s supervision over construction of objects of capital construction;
passports, finishes and color solutions facades;
development of design projects of means of outdoor advertising and information;
design Blanca technical passport installation and operation of outdoor advertising signs and information;
the functions of the technical customer (registration of land plots, change of the permitted use of land plots, obtaining of technical conditions for connection of the designed object to networks engineering-technical maintenance, obtaining permits for construction and commissioning of capital construction objects in operation, registration, maintenance of documents);
printing services;
other application tasks.