Children‘s center a New generation has set children in groups:
* Thai Boxing (kids from 4 to 12 years)
* Fitness training (4 to 12 years)
* Individual sports with children with special needs ( 4 to 9 years)
* Art club ( 4 to 12 years)
* Sand painting (4 to 8 years)
* Levocetrizine ( 4 to 9 years)
* School of etiquette ( from 4 to 9 years)
* Comprehensive classes 4,5,6 yrs
* Group sessions with a speech therapist ( from 5 to 9 years)
* Group sessions with the speech pathologist ( 3 to 9 years)
* Group sessions with a psychologist ( from 3 to 9 years)
* Band Mom+Baby ( 1 to 4 years)
* Creative workshop ( from 3 to 9 years)
* Theatre Studio ( 5 to 9 years)
* School little boy ( 4 to 12 years)
* Acting ( 5 to 9 years)
* English language ( 5 to 15 years)
* Hip - hop team ( from 3 to 9 years)
* Baby dance ( from 3 to 9 years)
* Chess ( 6 to 9 years)
* School experiments ( 5 to 9 years)
* The Express group of preparation for school - 6 years
* Sewing lessons (7 to 15 years)
* Development of basic school novkov ( 3 to 7 years)
* Individual lessons SRR, CRA, ONR, Autism