Narcological clinic "First step". Serpukhov, Russia

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Our drug treatment center provides professional treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism in Serpukhov. Often the family is a dysfunctional person does not know where to treat drug addicts and alcoholics in Serpukhov, and therefore can hire the services of incompetent people or even scams. And this lost time spent health, nerves. In the end, help the drug addict comes later, when you need not only the services of a psychiatrist, but a psychiatrist.

Today, the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism
offer all and Sundry, promising full healing. In practice, however, this drug treatment does not lead to the long-term effect. Patient falls, drug or alcohol intoxication is becoming longer, and now requires a call to the psychiatrist at home to withdraw from intoxication. Half-measures will not help, requires a professional, and most importantly, a comprehensive addiction treatment in Riyadh that offers our rehabilitation center for drug addicts.

A comprehensive alcoholism treatment in Serpukhov
Our drug treatment center in Serpukhov uses the most innovative treatment of drug and alcohol abuse. A specially designed 12-step program is not only aimed at medical treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction in Serpukhov, but also to provide psychological and social assistance. The patient again learns to live in society, know the joy of a sober life, his rehabilitation in society is fast and effective.


Moscow Oblast
Serpukhov city

142203, str. Dzhona Rida, 8

tel. 8 (800) 550-41-03
Actual on 01.01.2018