Sofa-Master. Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Russia

Views: 79

Repair and upholstering of soft furniture, restoration of leather furniture, repair of furniture, replacement furniture hardware, restoration furniture, repair wooden parts, repair coatings, repair of upholstered furniture.
- At the request of the customer we carry out the repair in our workshop or on the customer‘s premises. Transportation of furniture we provide on their own and is absolutely free!;
- Departure for preliminary consultations to our clients is FREE.
We work with all the settlements of the Krasnodar region and Adygea!
Will pick up , deliver , get.
Quality repair of any furniture! Take a look at the familiar in a new way!


Krasnodar Krai
Slavyansk-na-Kubani city

str. 1 maya, 124

tel. 8 (918) 455-52-95
Actual on 01.01.2018