The Certified 1C Training centre invites you to the courses 1S:
— 1C: Accounting 8. The practical development of accounting from the very beginning (80 AC. hours 12 000 RUB.)
— Use the configuration of 1C: Accounting enterprise 8 (32 AK. hours, 6000 rubles.)
— Accounting at application of the simplified taxation system in 1C: Enterprise 8 (24 AK. hours 5 500 RUB.)
— 1C: trade Management 8. Basic principles of working with the program (40 AC. hours 8 000 RUB.)
— 1C: trade Management 8. Advanced study opportunities programme (40 AC. hours 8 000 RUB.)
— Use the configuration of 1C: Salary and personnel management 8 (32 AK. hours, 6000 rubles.)
— Accounting in the program 1C: Accounting 8 public institutions (24 AK. hours, 6000 rubles.)
— Using 1C: payroll and HR budget entity 8 (32 AK. hours, 6000 rubles.)
CLUB PROGRAMMERS 1C for students of 5-11 classes:
— Preparation for the exam on Informatics (48 AK. hours for 1 year, 2 000 RUB per month)
— Basics of programming in Java (96 AK. hours, 2 000 RUB per month)
— Algorithms. Olympiad programming (72 AK. hours, 2 000 RUB per month)
— System administration (48 AK. hours, 2 000 RUB per month)
— Fundamentals of programming in the system 1C: Enterprise 8 (96 AK. hours, 2 000 RUB per month)
— Managing development of software products (48 AK. hours, 2 000 RUB per month)
Courses of work with PC:
Courses of work with PC — the basics of working with PC, Word, Excel, working with Internet (30 academic hours, 5 500 RUB.)
— Photpshop courses (30 academic hours, 6 500 RUB.)
Courses Web design (30 hours, 5 500 RUB.)
Courses PHP programming (40 hours, 7 500 RUB.)
— JavaScript programming courses (30 academic hours, 6 500 RUB.)
Programming courses 1C:
— Exam preparation 1C: Specialist platform. Basic level (40 hours, 8 000 RUB.)
— Programming courses 1C. Exam preparation 1C: Specialist platform. Professional level (80 academic hours 16 000 RUB.)
The Certified 1C Training centre on completion of the course awards a Certificate of "1C".