Sochi branch of the Moscow city Collegium of advocates Business. Sochi, Russia

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The Sochi branch of the Moscow city bar Association "BUSINESS" provides the physical and legal persons qualified legal assistance:
• free legal advice;
• legal support of business.
• support of criminal and civil cases in the field of corporate, tax, housing, administrative and copyright;
• representation of interests of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the bankruptcy (insolvency);
• provision of legal assistance to natural and legal persons in the sphere of illegal construction.
• challenging in court the state cadastral value of land (reduction of taxable base);
• production of legal expertise lost criminal and civil cases on the subject of mistakes and judicial prospects of their further appeal;
• appeal against judicial acts in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;
• drafting of complaints and representation of the interests of the principal in the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of human rights.

Address: Sochi, Egorova street 1/37 D., phone: +7(938)496-77-50
Head of the branch of Erchenko Leonid Vladimirovich.


Krasnodar Krai
Sochi city

str. Egorov, 1/37

tel. +7 (938) 496-77-50
Actual on 01.01.2018