Veterinarian, visiting an emergency veterinary care will be held by the qualified actions are:
therapeutic (curative and preventive)
- surgery (traumatology and cosmetology)
consulting (feeding, care and maintenance)
- obstetrics
- castration and sterilization
- euthanasia (humane euthanasia)
Your Pets around the clock.
Tel 589-113
If You have no opportunity to visit clinic at any time (round the clock), you can call the veterinarian at home:
Departure of the expert for inspection, consultation and preliminary diagnosis, it is also possible one-time take on house is required for the diagnosis of blood, urine, feces – 554 rubles.
The cost of such a call includes:
visit a veterinarian at a certain time,
the primary appointment school of the card and entering patient information in the General files of the clinic, the clinical examination of the animal,
setting of the provisional and differential diagnoses
development of tactics further examination,
the appointment of appropriate treatment,
consultation by phone.
• The cost of ongoing manipulations according to the price list.
Vaccination — 700-1000 rubles (part of the arrival of the doctor, the clinical examination of the animal and consultation, registration of the veterinary passport, the entry in the register, the cost of imported polivalente vaccines).
Zoo Centre "Altair" offers for Pets veterinary and sanitary services: - inspection of animals;
-prevention and treatment of medical and surgical diseases of domestic animals;
-treatment against ecto - and endoparasites;
-haircut dogs and cats, from simple to model;
-training and preparation of dogs for exhibitions; animals
Veterinarian, visiting an emergency veterinary care will be held by the qualified actions are:
therapeutic (curative and preventive)
- surgery (traumatology and cosmetology)
consulting (feeding, care and maintenance)
Your Pets around the clock.