Savkin Vladimir Aleksandrovich, IE. Sterlitamak, Russia

Views: 52

For lovers of comfort on their own site and corporate territories offers landscaping and landscape design, neighborhood, residential neighborhood and local area.
3D project of our specialists will help you determine the options for the design of the site.
Fountains, cascades, ponds, architectural forms, flowerbeds, vineyards, and more will be included in this project according to your wishes and will be implemented on your site in a reasonably short time.
Consultation or direct participation of our specialists agrotechnical with lots of experience will help you in planting shrubs and trees, make flower beds, and fix problems in already existing plants, their diseases, care, need and types of feeding, etc..
A private nursery where:
To design flower beds, flower beds today are Marigolds, petunias, Salvia, etc., which will delight you with flowers all summer. As well as perennial species of flowers for the flower beds.
Work area for cuttings and germination of species of decorative shrubs (cotoneaster, barberry, arborvitae, roses, juniper and many others) in conditions of fog for hedges in your area.
Preparations are underway for the spring of next year saplings of birch, Rowan, Linden, spruce and more than 25 species of trees for greening of the local area.


Bashkortostan Republic
Sterlitamak city

453120, Artema, 100

tel. 8 (917) 451-95-06
Actual on 01.01.2018