The Alliance of forensic scientists. Surgut, Russia

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Our Partnership provides independent reviews of vehicles, real estate, business, equipment damage, market value, loss of commodity cost, the calculation of the cost of suitable residues of the vehicles. Conducts various types of examinations:
1. Handwriting;
2. Examination of documents;
3. Technical;
4. Ballistic;
5. Cold weapons;
6. Fingerprint;
7. Construction, engineering;
8. Accounting;
9. Psychological;
10. Merchandising;
11. Fire-technical;
12. Sanitary;
13. Technical;
14. Transport-traceological;
15. Forensic materials;
16. Linguistic;
17. Establishing the circumstances of the accident, etc.
Including has extensive experience of surveys for harmful substances, including phenol. Provides services of qualified attorneys, lawyers, full package of documents for pre-trial and trial proceedings. Representation of Your interests in the court of claims to insurance companies. Carry out car repairs for the amount that we will justify and otstavim in court. We conclude agreements with legal entities and insurance companies.
Specialists Partnership was created, tested, registered by Rosstandart and introduced in his work "System of voluntary certification of activities of professionals and non-governmental organizations, to engage in court proceedings" registration number ROSS RU.И1036.04ЖЖГО from 01 April 2013, allowing to certify forensic experts, appraisers, interpreters, lawyers, and expert and appraisal agencies, various experts in the field of judicial and non-judicial investigations. Also was a Provision on conformity mark "System of voluntary certification of activities of professionals and non-governmental organizations, to engage in judicial proceedings".
MNANP, al "judicial experts" under the Federal law of the Russian Federation of 21 November 2011 N 324-FZ "On free legal aid in the Russian Federation" the registered Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation first in the Khanty as a center of free legal aid concerning the conduct of various examinations and independent assessments.
The partnership is accredited as a consultation center for the entire scope of the System of voluntary certification of quality management "Newcert".
The partnership is also the official representative of NP SRO "Regional Association of Construction Organizations" and NP SRO "Regional Association of Designers", Moscow.
Partnership included in the list of appraisal organizations to work with individual borrowers Western-the Siberian Bank SB of the Russian Federation.
In the state Partnership, there are certified experts technicians included in the state register, conducting independent technical review of the AMTS (numbers in register No. 2330, 3132).


Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Autonomous Okrug
Surgut city

str. 30 let Pobedy, 39

tel. +7 (3462) 37-42-42
tel. 51-01-05
Actual on 01.01.2018