Comfortable sleep is the key to vivacity for the whole day, so it is important to create all conditions for recreation. To ensure that it will help a good mattress. Its main functions are: to provide support of the body, relieve stress and fatigue. If the mattress is chosen correctly, she can even reduce back pain, and some models even prevent the development of scoliosis. All mattresses are divided into two main categories: spring and springless.
Springless mattress unlike spring has a smaller height and a greater stiffness. They can be monolayer or multilayer. The filler may be both artificial and natural.
Part of spring mattresses includes a number of spring units and layers of filler. This spring can be combined with each other or independent from each other. To date, the best fillers are latex, coir and horsehair. Special attention should be paid to the rigidity of the mattress. Too hard or too soft mattress can cause discomfort. Also taken into account and the maximum weight of the person intended mattresses. People whose weight exceeds 60 kg, it is suitable soft mattresses and models of medium hardness. Those who weighs more than 90 kg, you should choose a hard mattress.
Come to our shop and we will choose the comfortable mattress for you.