DVM-Torg Carpentry. Taganrog, Russia

Views: 31

The company‘s main direction is manufacturing of wooden furniture. Furniture for children, furniture for home, furniture for bars and restaurants.
Design and manufacturing of exclusive decorative elements.
Manufacturer of wall panels made of wood.
Execution of individual orders according to specifications of the client.
The development of furniture design office Manager, design office in the corporate style if required.
We provide services for the creation of objects and furniture for the home.
You can order any piece of furniture that you are interested in, but if you haven‘t found the right subject for you, then send us a request for manufacture of a product. We will be happy to fulfill your order.


Rostov Oblast
Taganrog city

str. Chehova, 3396

tel. +7 (863) 260-55-81

Actual on 01.01.2018