Unsurpassed quality – one of the main reasons for a sincere love of our customers. But not the only. In the modern world only as a little surprise for someone. After all, many come in "the Emperor" not only for a beautiful product, but also for the atmosphere. Unusual items: when you signed with the pen name of tea, the news and the story of the seller will give You a good mood for the whole day, everybody‘s welcome, a visit to a tea boutique "Emperor" is a habit of many gourmets . Many varieties of tea and coffee, each of which is sold in small measure – from 50g make it possible to purchase in the "Emperor" for each. "Affordable luxury" is about the "Emperor".
Employees ‘ Oz ‘ share their interest in the beloved customers. Thanks to our competent sales consultants, the people who came to the store "Ounce" at least once, too, begin to be attracted to attractive tea culture. Our best advertisement is recommendations from our customers who feel the sincere love of employees to their work.
- See more at: http://www.chay.info/company/#sthash.bRlsEt2o.dpuf