It‘s time to choose a driving school. In Togliatti very many driving schools, but in order to pass the exams in the traffic police need the best driving school, where the best laid theoretical and practical knowledge. Togliatti is the largest driving school "ROSTO-T". The driving school has a huge number of affiliates that allows you to choose the place of study close to home, is a huge plus in choosing a school. Flexible schedule, will allow you to choose the right time.
The Foundation of knowledge on driving of course are rules of the road, and teachers of driving schools Togliatti "ROSTO-T" it professionals with extensive driving experience, so learning the rules is intertwined with years of personal experience that contributes to the rapid perception of information. Driving school, "ROSTO-T" has a special meaning.
On the website you can get acquainted with the documents necessary for training. If AVTOSHKOLA - only "ROSTO-T".