Detskiy sad "SKAZKA" is situated in the village of Podstepki has its own fenced Playground with a high fence (which currently is important), surveillance and security. We have kids grow up in the fresh air, away from the city dirt and noise!
We can talk about the merits of our "Tales" indefinitely. But every mother knows that the main measure for her to be happy and satisfied face of her child.
We invite children from 1.5 to 7 years in the following locations in podstepki:
branch # 1: s. Podstepki, Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 31;
branch No. 2: podstepki, lane of Travel, 2.
With Avtozavodsky district You will dacites to us in a matter of 15 minutes, slightly longer on the Gazelle routes 303, 328.
All information about the "fairy Tale" You will find in our website:
Give your kid a story!