Capacitate, IA. Tolyatti, Russia

Views: 41

Honest information without misrepresentation, customized news and biased opinions?

Is it possible in our time?


News "Capacitati" built on the classical principle of collection and dissemination of information.
Our motto: "Only information and no shortcuts!".
Certificate of registration media: IA number ТУ63-00797 07, 2015, issued by the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor)

We do not make subjective evaluations, and provide readers the right to examine the facts.

In the heart of our work principles of the Code Cossack:

- honesty;
- courage;
the love of the truth.

News is not only limited to municipal events, but also illuminates the information of the regional and Federal levels.

The range of interests includes all aspects of life in modern society – politics, society, culture, sport and others.


Samara Oblast
Tolyatti city

445017, Komsomolskaya, 133-210

tel. +7 (906) 338-63-28
Actual on 01.01.2018