Repair of scales, road, Rail, commercial, Industrial.
Verification, Calibration.
Dear partners!
OAO "Repair of weighing and measuring devices" is ready to offer its services in the field of standardization, Metrology and the implementation of the law "On uniformity of measurements in Russia." We provide maintenance, repair, calibration, adjustment and calibration of weighing equipment of all types.
15 июля1933 was formed Kuibyshev Regional base to service the needs of the economy in the repair of weighing instruments. The main initiator of creation of the Calibration was the chamber of weights and measures Kuibyshev.
Company location from 1933 to the present time Samara street Ventseka 56.
In the development process was the gradual achievement of the enterprise.
In 1943 by order of the Ministry of local industry, Kuibyshev wearemedia base renamed in Kuibyshev regional wearemany plant.
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Kuibyshev regional Council of people‘s deputies № 521 dated 22 August 1968. Kuibyshev regional plant was renamed in Experimental mechanical plant.
The plant installs new equipment and in parallel with the services begins production of consumer goods.
In stationary and mobile wearemedia workshops and laboratories offer superior exemplary means of measurement.
By decision # 79 dated 20.02.1997, the Committee on management of property of the Samara region approved the plan of privatization and enterprise transformation. By order dated 19.03.1997 No. 219 the administration of Samara district of Samara city of Samara oblast SOE "Experimental mechanical plant" was reorganized into JSC "Repair of weighing and measuring devices."
Today‘s advanced verification and repair company mobile laboratories on the basis of KAMAZ, VALDAI, GAZ. Our organization has branches in Tolyatti and tchapaevsk.
The main pride of the company - are highly qualified specialists successfully solve the problem of standardization , Metrology and the implementation of the law "On uniformity of measurements in Russia."
A small list of the enterprises of Samara region and Samara city serviced by OJSC "Repair of weighing equipment" for repair, installation, technical supervision of measuring instruments:
- TO JSC "RUSSIA" -JSC "Azotremmach"
- JSC "VNIIneft" - JSC "Motorostroitel"
-JSC "Kuibyshev refinery", JSC "Volgocemmash"
- OJSC "NovoKuibyshev oil refinery" OJSC Giprovostokneft
- MP "Colatitudinal" -JSC "Russian Railways"
- OAO "SAMARAENERGO", JSC "KuibyshevAzot"
-OJSC "Togliattikauchuk", JSC "NOC"
- JSC "Togliatti transformer" -ANA JSC "Nefteavtomatika"
-JSC "Tolyattisol"- - JSC "Strommash"