The absolute, Assembly company. Tomsk, Russia

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Montazhnaya Kompaniya ABSOLYUT (IP Svinin, K. G. OGRN 316703100060404) invites all interested individuals and organizations to cooperate in the following areas: electrical work, installation of systems of heating, water supply and sanitation, housing services plumbing, installation of supply and exhaust ventilation, supply ventilation and installations.

Our specialists with the necessary education, experience, acquired skills and innovation ensure a quality installation and commissioning of your internal communications and equipment. Given the stable performance and reputation of our team of engineers and specialists (electricians, welders, plumbers), we guarantee You accurate, professional and timely execution of work entrusted to us for installation of equipment on your construction site.

Detailed information about the company, services, goods and executed works can be found on our official website:


Tomsk Oblast
Tomsk city

634041, ave. Komsomolskiy, 70

tel. 8 (3822) 222-984
tel. 8 (923) 412-10-84
Actual on 01.01.2018