Tynda business information. Tynda, Russia

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"Tyndinskiy business information" is a telephone information service for goods and services in the city. Monthly to contact us by phone turn over 7 thousand people (according to official statistics, OOO "Transvestism"). Interested in a variety of issues. The location in the database "Tynda business information" will do for the consumer searching for Your businesses more convenient and quick. In addition, thanks to our referral service Your company will be possible, and new customers, as consumers often are not interested in a specific store and product availability, and the operator himself tells addresses and phone numbers registered with us companies where there are such products.

All our clients are registered in the telephone database "Tyndinskiy business help", enjoy additional free service: all information submitted by them for distribution to consumers, is entered into address-telephone reference book "Yellow pages. Tynda".

Information is on our website: справка53333.of the Russian Federation. The news site published information about promotions, discounts, revenue, etc. is Duplicated on the page in Sots.networks.

Address-telephone directory of the enterprises of the city and the area "Yellow pages" format A-5 custom glossy colored paper, has a circulation of not less than 3 thousand copies in 2009 1 every year. For customers it is affordable and convenient for fast finding the right company, the right product or the right services. This, in turn, very convenient and profitable for advertisers. The price of advertising space in our directory just above the rates in other periodicals of the city. But the much higher term work advertising – 1 year intensive, almost daily actions. There are places on the cover.


Amur Oblast
Tynda city

str. Krasnaya Presnya, 49, str. 1

tel. +7 (41656) 5-33-33

Actual on 01.01.2018