The treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction. Withdrawal withdrawal, withdrawal from binge with the possibility of the doctor-the psychiatrist at home. Private hospital
In the rehabilitation center Priority is a comprehensive treatment of people suffering from drug addiction.
We apply techniques to address addiction on a physical level and at the level of the psyche.
A substance abuse clinic in Ufa and offers the following services:
medical assistance to drug addicts;
withdrawal acute withdrawal syndrome;
psychological assistance to drug addicts and their relatives;
rehabilitation of drug addicts with the most effective techniques;
lifetime support drug addicts (narcotics anonymous groups).
Our addiction treatment center treats not only the body of drug addicts, but also their minds, teaching them how you can do without drugs.
The all-Russian background the rehabilitation centers and substance abuse clinics.
Our consultants will select for you a professional facility for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, other addictions: doctors, psychologists, patients, or people simply concerned about the drug situation in Russia, you will receive professional and qualified advice, saving you time and money. Quickly, efficiently and anonymously.
Highly qualified employees of our services to provide emergency medical care at a high professional level, immediately after ascertaining the state of each patient. Pay ambulance in Ufa that you can call home, offers additional opportunities for:
Quick and effective elimination of the binge;
Organize all cleaning and restoration procedures .
We get consistent results the treatment of alcohol dependence at home and in hospital, using the advanced techniques and the latest developments in the medical field. Individual approach to each patient is one of the main principles in the work of a whole staff of professional experts, psychologists, psychotherapists. On the basis of our drug clinic work rehabilitation center which is a comprehensive approach to the treatment of patients.