Training center "Stroyenergomontazhservis". Ufa, Russia

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Training center "Stroyenergomontazhservis" invites you to study in the field of:
- slinger;
- welder;
- the mechanic on repair, technician, mechanic the MOUTH;
- the mechanic on repair and maintenance gazonefteprovodov equipment;
- the mechanic on repair and service of drilling;
- the mechanic on equipment repair boilers and pulverized coal preparation workshops;
assistant driller workover;
- assistant driller, HERBS;
- TMG (gazonefteprovodnyh);
- production operator of oil and gas;
- the operator on the exploration wells;
operator stations;
- boiler operator (boilermaker);
operator of commercial products;
- mechanic;
- minder of the cementing unit;
- crane-manipulator;
- the machinist of the hoist;
- the operator of the excavator;
- the machinist of the bulldozer;
- driver power sliding (motorman);
- the machinist of the crane-pipelayer;
- the machinist of compressor installations;
- machinist of pump installations;
- driver technology compressors;
the driver of the PPU (steam mobile installation);
- the machinist of technological pumps;
- izolirovschik for thermal insulation;
- assembling reinforced concrete structures;
- fitter climber;
- apparatchik;
- electrician;
- electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment;
- laboratory assistant of chemical analysis;
- laboratory for physical and mechanical tests;
- and much more.


Bashkortostan Republic
Ufa city

450064, str. Internatsionalnaya,15

tel. 8 (347) 285-85-08
tel. +7 (937) 485-85-08
tel. 8 (800) 500-45-79
Actual on 01.01.2018