AKB Evrofinans. Ufa, Russia

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15 June in Ufa, the opening of branch of JSCB Evrofinans. The company office is conveniently located on one of the main thoroughfares of the city – the prospectus of October 13.

On the first day of work of branch, the residents of Ufa have shown interest in the services of the company. This is due to the main advantage of AKB Evrofinans: each client is offered an individual offer for financing. Also, there are special programs for clients with bad credit history who are denied banks.

We understand that in different circumstances people can accept late payments, so we try to help everyone. Such an approach AKB Evrofinans earned the trust of the inhabitants of Samara, Tolyatti, Ulyanovsk, Dimitrovgrad, and, I hope, will love it hopefully.

We invite all residents of Ufa in the office of AKB Evrofinans for a free consultation.


Bashkortostan Republic
Ufa city

ave. Oktyabrya, 13

tel. 8 (347) 222-32-22
tel. 8 (800) 555-55-58

Actual on 01.01.2018