Mir Video Electon. Ufa, Russia

Views: 28

Company World Video Electronics is dedicated to the video surveillance system and access control system Company the World of Electronics.

Having a high quality and not expensive equipment for video surveillance we have decided to provide services for installation and design of CCTV systems.

Our clients are owners of apartments, private houses (cottages). installation of CCTV in office, CCTV in the store, the selection of video surveillance systems for businesses and for workshops with the production.

We offer a full range of services for video surveillance systems from consultations on equipment selection, design work, repair and maintenance of CCTV systems.

We also offer to work with us installation organizations. Our Department has all the necessary equipment, supplies, and tools to perform the installation of video surveillance systems.

We provide discounts for the installation teams and organizations for the purchase of our goods up to 40 %.

We invite everyone to the address Ufa, street Industrial Highway 112/2 to examine our goods and services in the Electronics World.

Offered products/services:

CCTV systems, cable products for video surveillance systems,

IP video recorders and servers (16)

IP DVR 4 channel (6)

IP NVR 8 channel (3)

IP DVR 16 channel (3)

IP video cameras (42)

IP camera dome (19)

IP camera outdoor (8)

IP video cameras swivel (6)

IP camera box (9)

IP DVRs 24 channel (2)

IP DVRs 32 channel (1)

IP NVRs 128 channel (1)

DVRs (41)

DVR 4 channel (11)

DVRs 8 channel (9)

DVR 16 channel (17)

Video camera (172)

Camera dome (48)

Camera street (28)

Camcorder body (15)

Camera swivel (9)

Lenses video camera (21)

Videoaccess (136)

The amplifiers, videorama transmitters (17)

Hard drives (11)

IR light (2)

Power supplies (22)

Microphones (14)

Dummies, housings, brackets (30)

Connectors, plug (40)

Security equipment (147)

GSM alarm system with ELMES (2)

GSM alarm system JABLOTRON (8)

GSM alarm system VISONIC (3)

GSM-alarm SENTINEL (5)

GSM alarm system Sibirskiy Arsenal (2)

Detectors (41)

Equipment car (27)

Sirens, Sirens (38)

Devices receiving-control (21)

Fire equipment (26)

Detectors (24)

Fire extinguishers (2)

Access system, video door phone (162)

Audio intercoms VIZIT (1)

Audiopanel (3)

Audiotube (8)

Power supply (1)

Color video panels (6)

Video panels black-and-white (13)

Door closers (4)

Duplicator (7)

IDs (5)

Intercom, intercom panel (5)

Exit button (5)

Controllers (4)

The modules of interface, switching devices (4)


Bashkortostan Republic
Ufa city

Industrialnoe Shosse, 112/2

tel. +7 (347) 224-224-0

Actual on 01.01.2018