B-flexy - effective means to combat cellulite at all stages, shaping and reducing the body volume. Thanks to the powerful suction, during the massage creates a vacuum space and the stimulation of different layers of the skin. Fat cells filled with water, begin to move and gradually disappear completely naturally. This process increases the production of collagen and elastin, which improve skin structure. The result will not take long after the first application. Also, vacuum therapy is not an aggressive treatment, which does not damage the skin. During procedures stabiliziruemost blood circulation, reduces subcutaneous fat layer, it lifts up flabby skin, improves its texture, fade the signs of cellulite.
The list of indications for use is quite extensive:
- overweight
seal of connective tissue (contractures, muscle spasm)
- intense physical activity
- the presence of stretch marks after pregnancy
- rehabilitation period after plastic surgery
- chronic fatigue syndrome, etc