OOO "Profil Mercy". Ufa, Russia

Views: 74
The service Department of "PROFILE RELIEF" - the largest company of the Urals, specializing in the provision of services to persons partially or completely lost the abilities or possibilities to implement self-service, to move independently, to provide basic living needs because of illness, injury, age or disability in order to ensure the basic living needs of these persons in their place of residence.

We work since 2009
• we provide nursing services for the elderly at home and patients in hospitals;
• ongoing hygiene care at home: wash, hair cut, hygienic pedicure and manicure;
• provided domestic services maids home: washing Windows, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping;

With us the worries in your family becomes smaller.


Bashkortostan Republic
Ufa city

Ayskaya, 52/1, office 205

tel. +7(347)2943901
tel. +79083502645
Actual on 25.09.2018