Child development center and of leisure "fidget +": children‘s developmental activities, speech therapist, English, Buryat, Chinese, family psychologist, the short-term group and the group of the day, rhythm, preparing for school!!!
Painting colored sand, Helium balloons, Trips to children‘s parties, Wedding sand ceremony
Our children‘s early development center offers:
classes for kids, group of the prolonged day for initial classes, English language, preparation for school, art classes, speech therapist and psychologist,Wellness, martial arts, children‘s choreography, private lessons, grades 1-4,
Our objective is to promote the ideas of early child development and the creation of favorable conditions for intellectual and spiritual development of children of preschool age.
Family children‘s center, kindergarten, pre-school, school, early development, English language, children‘s choreography, short-term group, creative workshops, drawing, children‘s fitness, aerobics in the style of Zumba (for mom), belly Dancing (for moms). Courses guitar and Maureen Chur, the old Mongolian writing system