Kremnegranit ECO Primore, OOO. Ussuriysk, Russia

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Our products are energy-saving four-layer building blocks, tiles, decor, design elements from the new material KREMNEGRANIT, do not require exterior finishing and have high strength due to the special production technology, the quality is similar to glass or marble. Energy-saving unit is a multi-layered structure, which solves several problems: the bearing capacity of the wall, heat-sound insulation and exterior cladding. The front side of the block is made of material "Kremnegranit" and can have any texture (tiles, masonry, natural stone, etc.) - in any color scheme. Inner layer-insulation made of polystyrene foam. The inner layer of the unit consists of concrete and is the carrier element of the wall. The outer and inner layer are connected to the basalt ties (structural strength at break reaches 14 tons). Our building material has high strength, density and frost resistance.
Our technology is focused on industrial and civil construction of individual developers. Materials technology Kremnegranit have established ourselves as a very high-quality and highly decorative, with higher physical-mechanical characteristics, as well as the absolute environmental friendliness, since they are made only from natural ingredients.


Primorsky Krai
Ussuriysk city

692500, str. Volochaevskaya, 73

tel. +7 (924) 722-32-74
Actual on 01.01.2018