Prodical sun. Verkhnyaya Salda, Russia

Views: 62

Our advantages:
 We do not hide information about the cost of spare parts, and openly show it to You on the website of our online store, "Prodetail. of the Russian Federation" with Your discount.
 Prices "Prodetail. RF" lower than the competition, in this you can check by comparing them with prices in other stores.
 When switching to us from other companies of the discounts You received earlier are stored.
 The shortest delivery time of spare parts.
 We give warranty on the purchased parts and their installation is no longer necessary ‘break‘ between the service station and shop.
 A warehouse of used parts.
 Assistance of a personal Manager to find part numbers of original spare parts and professional selection of their peers on any cars both online and in the office.
 The opportunity, without leaving home, order the necessary parts for Your car and as soon as possible to get them at the Top Salda, street of the North village, building 27 (next to the North entrance of VSMPO in the territory of one HUNDRED Avtospas) or courier to Your specified address.
 With check discount Internet.
 Discount on the installation of spare parts in a HUNDRED Avtospas.
 To acquire the necessary details as possible in our office in the territory of one HUNDRED Avtospas.
 At Your request, the specialists HUNDRED Avtospas will determine the list of parts requiring replacement and install the purchased items to Your car or deliver them to your home.
 Company "Prometal.of the Russian Federation" is working in the cities of Nizhny Tagil, Kachkanar, Serov, Forestry and Sverdlovsk region for over 7 years. In the online shop of our company are more than 60 million items, and the range of products includes automotive parts, supplies, auto accessories, auto glass, tires, auto chemicals and oil, auto electronics.
 Trusted by over 10,000 customers in the Sverdlovsk region.

In case You will not be able to register on our site to find the necessary parts or You have any questions personal account Manager will be happy to help:
1. By phone 8 (800) 301 06 50 (toll-free)
2. Directly in the office at the address: Top Salda, street of the North village, building 27 (next to the North entrance of VSMPO in the territory of one HUNDRED Avtospas)
3. The topic on the forum

Administration "Prodetail.of the Russian Federation"
Phone: 8 (800) 301 06 50 (toll-free).
Link to online store: http://продеталь.рф
Address: Top Salda, street of the North village, building 27 (at the North
pass VSMPO territory one HUNDRED Avtospas).


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Verkhnyaya Salda city

624760, str. Severnyy poselok, 27

tel. 8 (800) 301-06-50
Actual on 01.01.2018