The mix of art, children‘s center. Prominent, Russia

Views: 61

For 1 - 4 classes

Now in our district has a day care.

Our task is to awaken a curiosity about the world, to knowledge, to development. The world is not limited to TV, Internet, gadgets...

In our family Your child will always be surrounded with attention and love. We support children, directing their energy into the mainstream of creation and creativity.

Homework is given special attention. If the child does not understand the material in a lesson, missed lessons – our teachers will help you master the topics, to catch up with the class. You will not have a evening to remember that you have not completed lessons learned something by heart, not ready to hack. We will prepare all the tasks. And You will only have a happy evening.

In group of the prolonged day every day is not like another. In your free time we organize leisure and recreation: entertaining, moving, educational games, drawing, modeling, application, design, music, theatre and other activities.

Deliver Your child from school to after-school programs
Properly do homework
Offer interest classes and workshops
(maybe food)

mon-Fri from 13.00 to 19.00
5 days a week - 12 000 RUB per month
4 days a week – 10 000 RUB per month
3 days per week – 8000 rubles per month


Moscow Oblast
Prominent city

str. Olhovaya, 4

tel. 8 (977) 137-01-02
tel. 8 (903) 783-44-80
Actual on 01.01.2018