Alanya Service. Vladikavkaz, Russia

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LLC "Alania service" is a relatively young firm, organized and running since October 2013, however, managed to establish itself during this time as a serious, responsible and reliable partner. One of the components of a successful work — high professionalism, to build an individual model of work with each client , taking into account the wishes and requirements of the customer. LLC "Alania service" cooperates with government and commercial organizations, banking and financial institutions of the North Caucasus Federal district and the Republic.
LLC "Alania service" performs design and installation of security systems of any complexity efficiently, reliably and at the optimum time, using a full range of modern equipment of leading firms-manufacturers.We offer a comprehensive solution to security issues at all stages of the design and operation of facilities of different complexity, supply of equipment, installation, training and service


Northern Ossetia - Alania Republic
Vladikavkaz city

363246, str. Spartaka, 3

tel. +7 (928) 927-50-48
Actual on 01.01.2018