Painting bath. Vladikavkaz, Russia

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Company Bella Stella successful official dealer of the best raw materials in Russia today for the restoration of the baths. In the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.
Can‘t afford a bad result of their work, over several years we have not had a single case, for example swelling, cracking or delamination bubbles went made us baths.
Always try to do more in the field of services for the restoration baths have done hundreds of tubs and have gained tremendous experience in the work.
With a new life of Your bath, You will save 80% of Your time, effort and money.
Our values:
Commitment to good principles.
Work differently, based on necessary precise principles at work.

With the success of only use specialized composite materials,
designed specifically for the restoration of Your bath. Gologramma
on the package.

We offer You the restoration of the baths by the method of "cheating".

Bath restored by the method of "cheating" over the years, virtually no wear.

The bath is applied in a single layer. The life cover for 20 years

On a method of "cheating", we will issue a guarantee agreement for 3 years.

We offer You to establish acrylic liner in the bath.

Acrylic liner is very durable, with a thickness of 6 mm.

The lifetime acrylic liner – about 30 years.

The method "Acrylic liner", we will issue a guarantee agreement for 5 years.

All work on the restoration of the bath will take approximately 3 hours of Your time, depending on the condition of the bath.

Some arguments in favor of the restoration of the baths:

If You restore a bath, You don‘t buy a bath.

If You restore a bath, You do not perform repairs associated with the replacement of the bath.

The restoration of the baths, You can choose the color for the bath.

The restoration of the baths, You will receive 80 percent positive results from 20 percent of Your efforts.

With a new life of Your bath, You will save 80% of Your time, effort and money.

About us on the website


Northern Ossetia - Alania Republic
Vladikavkaz city

str. Dzhanaevam, 45

tel. 8 (8672) 940-640
Actual on 01.01.2018